I had missed my brother's last high school track meet. Missed most of his senior year actually and was a few days away from potentially missing his graduation. However I was not going to let that happen. I was a couple hundred miles away from him and where his graduation was going to take place. Didn't want to pay for gasoline. At an unbelievable $4.00 a gallon too. Didn't want to pay ninety bucks for a round trip bus ticket, so I decided to try and hitch hike. That was the mission. Hitchhike to my brother's graduation. So I packed a bag with the essentials; clothes, water, food, camera, and last but not least, cardboard signs.
I trekked to a popular exit, one which I thought would be productive and had high traffic rate and stood with my sign and bag. And my thumb fully extended.
So there I stood. Off the side of an on-ramp my cardboard sign reading "How bout' a lift Friend?"...
I had my first car stop after about twenty minutes. It was three Spanish fellows but they were not going as far as I was planning so I passed up their offer. Within that first hour of being there only about four cars or so stopped to offer a ride. All of which weren't going as far as I was, and I didn't want to become stranded at another exit with less traffic so I stayed put at my spot. The second hour rolled around and I still had no luck.
It's a different perspective being on the other side of a cardboard side, being in need of a ride and trying to catch passer-byers attention. I had brought along another piece of cardboard just in case my one sign wasn't getting the job done, which it wasn't, so I switched to my second sign which read, "I'm a Mormon.", in big letters then in smaller letters, "North to Nephi." My hopes were to appeal to the majority of the LDS population and try to attract another fellow Mormon. And of course I was trying to play the pity card. The sign got a lot of laughs, waves, shouts, smirks, but no one really cared to stop.
Regardless, that sign stopped my first hitchhiking partner, Brian. He was a middle-aged man, divorced three kids and kind of stuck in a rut with life. He was headed to Springville and said I was welcome to come along as long as I could stand his smoking habit. I guess he figured my "mormon" sign meant I was a strict follower and wouldn't be pleased with his habit but I was more than welcome to get in and become acquainted with him. Come to find out he was deaf in his left ear, having it damaged in a grocery robbery when he was twenty years old. The gun fired and missed his head by two inches but leaving him partially deaf in that ear. Communicating was somewhat difficult for the trip because he couldn't hear me but I just let him tell me his stories of work, partying, ROTC, his children, ex-wife and basically his whole life. It was amazing to me how open this man was to me. Sharing all of his most personal moments in his life with a complete stranger. Maybe it was because he figured we would never see each other again, or that he was just an open guy. Either way it was an amazing experience. A few things I learned from him; If life gives me shit, I'll build you a shit castle. If its yellow let it mellow, if it's brown flush it down. Everyone in their life at one time or another feels like they're all alone in this life, whether it be a figment of their imagination or what not, people will get down on themselves. I think, therefore I am.
Great advice from a great man.
My second ride came rather unexpectedly and saved me the peril of facing the cold of the night. It was about ten thirty when Jessica came my way. She stopped just under the Wendy's sign I was standing under, bright lights draw attention I figured out, and basically just came out and asked where I was going and was going to take me there. My destination was entirely out of her way but she had the sympathy to drive me there. Turns out she was just returning from an audition for the role of Mary in the Manti Pageant and had stopped to get some dinner when she came across me. We talked of life, her recent engagement gone bad, the evil forces and plot of the book she was writing, high school days, college days, majors and her dancing career. So many interesting, kind and amazing people fill this world. We drove into my hometown and I shared memories of growing up there with her, we even drove past my house and we talked about the tire swing hanging from the willow tree in my front yard. Sharing memories with each other, almost hitting a deer, talking of life. It was great. One bit of knowledge I gained from Jessica was this, "Learn from yesterday, live for today and hope for tomorrow."
and before I knew it, I was home. All with the help of others. I could not have done it without the compassion of another human soul. Truly amazing. And I walked down my street where I was raised. Passed the burger joint where I worked, a ewe crying for its mother, the Embletons, the irrigation ditch...
So many memories flooded into my head on my two-block walk home.
It seemed so surreal. I had packed up my bag, walked to a highway exit, held my thumb out with cardboard sign, was picked up by two total strangers and had ended up in my home town, all within a couple of hours. It was like I had flown to a magical place. Unbelievable. Even writing this now I still find it hard to believe I accomplished the task.
Standing on the on ramp being passed by hundreds of cars, many times I questioned my motive and reasoning behind hitchhiking. I felt at times it was a lost cause, a hopeless dream, unachievable, preposterous, humiliating, impossible... But when those doubts crept into my mind I changed my thinking. I knew I was going to get home safe. I knew someone was going to stop and help me. I knew it was all going to work out. And I was right. I accomplished the impossible, or at times which my mind accepted as impossible, even for those split seconds. It was very self fulfilling and rewarding. Will I do it again? Maybe. Do I see the world in a better light? Definitely, and I know have hope for what tomorrow brings.
Other Time-Worthy
Took my first trip into the famed Zion National Park. I had my camera with me, of course, and took some great photos. I went to Zion with some friends. One being a girl named Sarah. She is the wine that compliments my cheese. As cheesy as that sounds (poor pun intended) she is a great compliment to the duo we have going... Anyways here are some of the photos from this adventure. One which I recommend to anyone who has the chance to stop by Zion, DO IT!

Just outside the city of Sprindale.

Keep ALL pets on a leash...
Sarah making an artistic pose.
There are certain musical songs that strike a chord in my heart, ear, and soul. One of which is the song Calgary from Bon Iver. It is from his upcoming album release titled Calgary. I stumbled across the song almost passing it up, as I was not an Iver fan until I heard this, and am entirely grateful I gave it a chance. I have probably listened to it about 100 times or so since I found it yesterday. I would have to say I have another addiction.
What has happened...
Me and my pup, at the river we went down.
Seeking an adventure, enjoying life.
He passed, lost his life.
I didnt feel the pain.
Left for a time, he waited by the wayside day in and day out for me.
I left behind many things.
Not thinking. Thinking about what was to come,
I have a hard time enjoying things in the now,
My mind is always running, rushing to the what's next.
Thought after thought all in the future. The present passes by me like a dream.
Sometimes I feel as though this is a dream. I wake up at night half-asleep wondering what is actually real.
Feelings from a close friend made it seem real for a time.
Shes in France now. commez t'alle vous?
Its amazing to me how life can be going great then suck. Amazing then shitty. lovely then hellish. beautiful then ugly. A+ then F. Cat then Dog. Horse then Cow. Clean then Dirty. Good then Bad. Heavenly then Evil. itttttttttssssssssss Annnnnnoooooyyyyyyyiiiiiiinnnnnnnggggg because you have to constantly be adapting to the changes. Maybe i just need to take an Adaptation 101 class, if such one exists. asdfasdfasdfadsfsdfasdfasdf
I dont really even feel like blogging but the little guy has been neglected and needs some type on it. Can this even be considered a blog? Meaningless, irrelevent ranting... who cares but if you feel like typing you may as well write. some great idea may come from just typing about nothing. maybe the nothing typer is an idea. what would it be tho.... a type writer that types with invisible ink and then when dipped in a chemical exposes the letters. a covert way to write papers...
how about the cookie cup. A cup with a shelf at the top of the cup just the right size to fit a cookie and has a pump that.,...
The neighborhood children will not stop being loud. nonsensical noise shouted and yelled at random echo around the apartment complex build into a vortex of child mouth shit and shoot right through into my open window. Close the window would be a solution but their noise would penetrate through my apt concrete walls.... I really dont feel this way towards them but sometimes it feels like I am goin insane listening to them.....
I think i just may be in a bad mood. wanting to wring their little necks....... totally joking. But seriously folks. who hasnt shaken a crying baby late at night when the spouse isnt looking.... it works. Dont take it from me you heard it on tosh.o. how bout them yankees? actually how bout them Lakers? fail... Kobe just cant carry a team anymore. anyways basketball sucks just as much as your mom but doesnt nibble as well as she does. and doesnt swallow. therefore thats why they arent champs, they dont swallow like ones. Your mom however is a champion! hit it from the back, downtown, free shots, driving up the lane, she can do it all even in her wheelchair. its amazing! and that is why i keep cumming back for more and more. peace to the virgin ears.
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