The  Gold  at the end of the Tunnel

It's right where you want it. 

What the mind of man can conceive, he can achieve


One of the most dramatic and beautiful storms I have ever witnessed. Hours of back to back lightning. This is one of many lightning bolts I captured. 
Thank you for the chance to watch this epic storm literally light up my existence

Coletyn Curtis.

Starter for the North Sanpete Falcons.

Autographs upon request. 

Some body,
That somebody.
Who makes You more You.
Who makes a soul more true.

Some body.

She Dances, when She Sings.
Her Shimmering Light,
Bleeds an Ocular Ring. 
Comes and goes, flowing might.
Her Veil hides Life,
Some will Revive.

Singing when She Dances,
She Dances when She Sings. 

eye of the tiger-

The newest of the Summer line from conformebelle.
Giving you hip, one-of-kind clothing.

Get em' here- N   O    W

Nom, nom, nom.

Had to share! The expression of this doe, just had me smiling the whole time I took the photograph and while editing it. :) It still makes me laugh.

Do you think it's grinning or is it just me?

P  A  N  O  R  A  M  I  C       O  F       S T.     G  E  O  R  G  E      

Original photograph is a whopping 120" x 32".